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Build a safer workplace! These tools will help you identify and eliminate workplace safety hazards. They lay out the three steps to improve workplace safety: identify hazards, propose solutions and take action. 


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Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy place to work. Kaiser Permanente workers and managers have the benefit of voluntary, confidential programs that include tips, tools, and health coaches to take charge of their own health and wellness. It’s a collective effort, because not only is partnership a team sport but health is, too. Workers and managers are key to improving safety where they work. Everyone has a role to take action and improve safety by speaking up about and effectively addressing safety issues.

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Doctor Makes House Calls to Help Teams Avoid Injuries

Father’s trauma inspires joint effort to create safer workplace

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Quan Nguyen, DO, learned in seventh grade how devastating a workplace injury can be. His father, a carpenter, severed part of his thumb when he lost control of the power saw he was using. The accident put him out of work for a time and forced the family to stretch its skintight budget even further.

Years later, the memory inspired him to join Orange County’s Workplace Safety Steering Committee, says Dr. Nguyen.

“I’ve witnessed, firsthand, how things at work can lead to pain and suffering for the person and his family,” says Dr. Nguyen, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician at the Chapman Medical Offices in Orange, California. “We’re like a big family at work and I don’t want to see people hurt.”

Team visits worksites to improve safety

As the sole physician on the 12-member committee, Dr. Nguyen uses his singular perspective to engage physicians and others to build a culture of workplace health and safety.

“He’s very unique,” says Jim Ovieda, assistant medical group administrator and the committee’s management tri-chair. “He brings another voice of authority to the conversation.”

Four years ago, Dr. Nguyen helped form the Tiger Team, a task force of union members and managers who visit units with high injury rates and offer expert advice on how to reduce risks. They developed a simple process to identify and address workplace hazards at the local level (see “Five Tips for Workplace Safety Site Visits”).

“It’s not a punishment. We’re there to help departments succeed and to help our staff and physicians to be safe,” says Dr. Nguyen, who named the Tiger Team in honor of “Tigger,” the fictional tiger character who bounces around and helps others.

Collaborating with frontline union members is vital to keeping everyone safe, says Dr. Nguyen.

“There seems to be two cultures inside the hospital – the physician and non-physician. We’re trying to bridge those two cultures by bringing together a diversity of voices to improve the culture of health and safety for everyone,” says Dr. Nguyen. 

Host teams say the visits and ensuing discussions help create an environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up—essential to building safety into daily work.

Partnership approach gets results

The team aims for six site visits a year and had conducted 31 visits as of November 2015. Most of those departments reported significantly fewer injuries in the months after the visit; many reduced injuries by 50 percent or more. The approach has gained attention region-wide and other medical centers in Southern California are adopting the practice. The team also presented its partnership approach at the 2016 National Workplace Safety Summit.

“It’s a way of taking the pulse of the department,” Ronald Jackson, a medical assistant, SEIU-UHW member and the steering committee’s labor tri-chair, says of the team's site visits.

“We bring a fresh set of eyes to the department,” says Albert Alota, workplace safety coordinator for Orange County.

Three practical solutions

Recently, the committee’s labor and management members sat side by side reviewing workplace safety records for the Irvine Medical Center’s recovery room. The department had accrued nine injuries in as many months, three of them involving employees and gurneys. The team identified several hazards related to work space and storage and recommended ways to fix them. For example:

  • To address heavy traffic down narrow hallways and around blind corners: Provide standardized traffic flow for gurneys, mirrors at key intersections and a recognized verbal cue to alert bystanders to passing gurneys and equipment
  • To unclog crowded patient bays that forced staff to work at laptops in busy hallways: Install wall-mounted computers and exam stools to replace the office chairs in the room
  • To reduce injuries caused by incorrect use of new gurneys: Ask vendors to help train staff how to safely operate new equipment

Employees appreciate the attention. “It’s good to have the team come in,” says Sol Estrella, RN, a staff nurse and UNAC/UHCP member. “It shows that management and higher-ups are responding to our staff needs.”


HANK Spring 2012

Tips on Keeping Injury Rates Down, From KP's Leading Region

Workplace accidents are costly and preventable

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For the second year in a row, the Northwest region experienced the fewest workplace injuries of any hospital-based region in Kaiser Permanente. The Northwest ended the 2011 reporting year with a 15 percent improvement over injury rates in 2010. (The two California regions, Hawaii and the Northwest operate hospitals, while Colorado, Georgia, the Mid-Atlantic States and Ohio do not.)

Workplace Safety Committee co-leads Marilyn Terhaar and Susan McGovern Kinard attribute the region’s success to several factors:

  • Real-time information. Terhaar sends safety alert emails to managers, stewards, UBT co-leads and safety champions. The alerts list the injuries for the prior week and offer safety tips and resources.
  • Goals at the frontline. Keeping injury rates low is a regional goal and a PSP goal. Unit-based teams are encouraged to work on these workplace safety issues prior to tackling other goals.
  • Culture change. Safety conversations have become part of the workplace culture. If an employee sees someone not working safely or a hazard in the work area, she or he speaks up, knowing the problem will be addressed.
  • Investigation. The approach to safety is proactive. The Employee Health and Safety department investigates the root cause of an accident and tries to make sure the accident does not happen again.

High cost to both employees and KP

Employee injuries are significant in several ways. An injured employee may lose pay and time at work, and a department may have to work short, which may impact patient care. And there’s a financial impact on the organization—which eventually could affect member premiums.

 “The cost to open a workers’ compensation claim is about $1,200 on average,” says Terhaar. “Once you start adding in medical and surgical costs, the expenses can soar.”

Indemnity claims—those claims that cover employees with more serious injuries that require a longer time off—average $21,000.

 “That’s one of the reasons we have such a laser focus on safe patient handling. The risk to the employee for injury is so great,” explains McGovern Kinard.


The Northwest region employs a well-constructed safe patient handling program. New employees are trained on safe patient handling, and more than 1,000 employees were retrained in 2011. Hospital and clinic policies require staff to move patients using safe handling techniques and equipment.

 “We have mobile lifts and overhead lifts at Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center and will have the same equipment at our new hospital opening next year,” says Paulette Hawkins, RN, a workplace safety consultant. “In addition, all medical and dental clinics have mobile lifts and receive annual hands-on refresher training on request.”

Members of the workplace safety committee aren’t resting on their laurels. This year, they plan to bring the focus of safety to the UBT level.

“Most teams can solve their own issues,” say McGovern Kinard. “There’s been an increase in awareness that’s been growing steadily over the last five years. Our numbers say it all.”

HANK Spring 2013

From the Desk of Henrietta: Cough It Up!

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It’s not hard to figure out why people are hesitant to speak up at work. Offering a suggestion for improvement or pointing out when you think something isn’t right exposes a person to any number of possible responses—many of them unpleasant.

There’s the sarcastic retort. There’s the deafening silence. There’s the reply, pointing out exactly why you’re wrong, delivered in the nicest of tones but carrying an unmistakable edge of one-upsmanship. Who needs it? Who wants to create waves and risk a good job?

But when we don’t speak up, we put health and happiness at risk. As Doug Bonacum, Kaiser Permanente’s vice president of quality, safety and resource management, says in this issue’s cover story, speaking up “is mission critical for worker and patient safety.”

In addition to the moral imperative of protecting people from injury, there’s a strong economic incentive for speaking up. Improvement doesn’t typically come from a single person’s great idea—it comes from people sharing ideas. And we at KP have to keep improving, finding ways to deliver care as good as or better than we deliver now with fewer dollars per member. Our future depends on it.  

Since we get good at what we practice, we each have to practice speaking up. Practice means starting with lots of baby steps—don’t tackle the high-stakes stuff first! And let’s practice being good listeners, too, providing the space that lets others speak up safely.

The Labor Management Partnership and unit-based teams provide the framework for transforming what Bonacum calls a “culture of fear” around speaking up. But with that framework in place, it’s still up to each and every one of us to find the courage to address the immediate, particular obstacles that keep us silent.