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Education Trusts: Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce alec.rosenberg Fri, 02/18/2022 - 15:04
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Education Trusts: Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce
Tool Type


8.5" x 11"

Intended audience:
Frontline employees, managers and unit-based teams

Best used:
Use this to help understand the impact of education trusts and how they benefit frontline employees, managers and the organization.


Career counselors, degree programs, courses and more. 

Alec Rosenberg​
Sherry Crosby

Contracts and Agreements

2021 Alliance National Agreement

Story body part 1

The 2021 KP-Alliance National Agreement advances the mission of the Labor Management Partnership to serve the needs of Kaiser Permanente, our members and patients, and the nearly 50,000 workers represented by the Alliance of Health Care Unions. The 4-year agreement renews our shared commitment to working in partnership and begins a new chapter where front-line caregivers and managers come together to address affordability and changing market conditions without sacrificing quality care or service.

When the contract book is published, it will be posted to this web page.